My Lists

Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Return

 Around two years ago, after I graduated high school, I decided to step away from the fields of cryptozoology, ufology, the paranormal, and general forteana for a while. I had been struggling with fostering any interest in the subjects for several months prior. I was struggling with any concept for the future for myself at all. I lost interest in writing, I lost interest in reading. I really don't want to go into the why. 

I decided to take a gap year. From school and from the unexplained in general. I got a couple jobs and started getting more into a secondary hobby of mine: comic books. Every now and then, I would feel a need to pull out a couple books and bookmarked links spend a few days reading up on what was current in the fields of the strange. In particular, my interest in mystery cats, dogs, bears, and other members of Carnivora has largely stuck with me. 

Last year I began a project that slowly turned into the rough outline of an encyclopedia examining mystery Carnivoran stories and legends around the world. I made a big announcement on Facebook that I am putting the project together, got a lot of support, and then abandoned the project after a month of working on it. I have picked that project up again and have decided to dip my toes back into the paranormal and unexplained in general. I feel that I am in a much healthier headspace than I was two years ago and even last year.

So I guess that's what this is, an official return. 

But, I am not really the same Crypto-Kid that many of you were familiar with. I have shifted to a much more skeptical mindset and research methodology. I am also not terribly interested in being a "cryptozoologist" or "paranormal investigator" or any one of the other numerous monikers I've attached to myself. I am Colin Schneider. I have an interest in strange things. That is as much as I am comfortable putting out there anymore. I will keep the Crypto-Kid title of the blog, mostly out of nostalgia. 

Going forward, I have a few smaller projects I would like to do on the blog, as well as keep updates going about where I am in my research. To those of you who have followed me since this blog was active, I thank you and I hope you will continue to support my work going forward during this metamorphosis. 

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